Tema: Entry strategies & new business opportunities
Video-esercizio: 5 steps to starting a business
Fonte: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1mAaHP99UI&feature=related
Lingua del Video: English
Scopo: To give you tips for successful start of your business.
Tempo previsto: 10 minutes.
Descrizione: This exercise is designed for your self-learning and self-reflection and it is based on the video. This video stresses important factors for starting new business. There are given tips how to be successful entrepreneur in this video. What you should do in order to be successful in your business? The following issues are discussed:
* Motivation for starting business
* Planning - what does it give?
* Consultancy - why is it needed?
* The importance of testing the market
* Building location and inventory, funding.
Attention! If you don't succeed to open this video it means that it has been removed from YouTube. We are really sorry. Please, find a similar video using the keywords such as steps to start your business; mistakes, entrepreneurs make; behaviors of successful entrepreneurs; business planning, or similar.
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