Theme: Skills and competencies for starting a business
Exercise: Checking your background - are you ready to set up a business?
Adapted by: Volkshochschule Göttingen e.V., Germany
Based on: http://www.eschler-wetzig.de/de/test_exist.html
No. Question More likely Less likely
1. Are you sure that your idea for setting up your own business doesn`t come up from necessity, but rather you are convinced that being self-employed is the right thing for you?
2. Are your aims realistic?
3. Do your spouse and family support your plan?
4. Do you have financial reserves to assure your family`s livelihood during the first months?
5. Do you meet the professional requirements necessary for opening the business in your chosen field?
6. Do you have commercial and economic know-how? Do you know e.g. how a simple accountancy looks like and how to develop an outlook for earning power and liquidity?
7. Are you ready to work more than usual especially during the first years (including work in the evening the weekends as well)?
8. Are you a good planner?
9. Are you informed about subsidies that you can apply for?
10. Are you able to find and maintain clients?
11. Do you know the forecast regarding the specifics your business?
12. Are you aware about the formalities to comply and the licenses you need for starting a business?
13. Do you have any knowledge of sales and marketing?
14. Are you experienced in guiding and managing personnel?
15. Do you know where to get information and advice?

© EU KA3 ICT project "eMENTOR"

This project has been funded with support from European Commission. This publication [communication] reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.