Theme: Understanding of entrepreneurship
Exercise: Entrepreneurship IQ
Adapted by: Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
Based on: of Author Steven Straus, here from Success magazine web page accessed on September 20, 2011 at http://www.successmagazine.com/Entrepreneurship-Quiz/PARAMS/article/581/channel/20
Aim: Honestly assess your entrepreneurial skills.
Learning outcome: The learner will be able to assess his/her characteristics and skills comparing them to a prototypical entrepreneur.
Expected duration: 25 minutes
Description: You might be born to be an entrepreneur or you might learn to be one. It sounds good to be your own boss, however if you simply do not have the temperament for it, you can use your strengths at other great jobs.

In order to assess your skills compared to skills identified as typical for an entrepreneur, start the test and answer the questions.
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